Friday, August 25, 2006

Is it Ego or Inequality?

I often accompany my boss on official meetings and the press is usually there when we arrive. I've gotten used to seeing my profile in the pictures that run in the papers, and really did not think much of never being identified by name. I work in a relatively small community and those who pay attention to what my boss does know and recognize me. I've actually enjoyed the quasi-anonymity. In the past week, however, someone on my staff, a new arrival to the office, accompanied my boss on a meeting. His picture made the papers as did his name and MY title. And it got me wondering: my boss is usually accompanied by someone to take notes when he goes on meetings, and if the person is a man, he's named. It's only the women who are not acknowledged. Is this an intentional oversight? Or am I just delusional?

1 comment:

MissCosmoKuwait said...

I seem to have the same dillema...but I don't believe it's a woman issue...some female collegues of mine end up in the papers too and I often wonder why I was overlooked..I think that we both stick to the job at hand in that moment and do too much schmoozing or don't bother squeezing ourselves next to the big cheeses to make sure our pictures get in the papers...I've learnt to accept that it's a desperation act from them that I now came to terms with..I've decided schmoozing is beneath me...:)